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  Product name Specifications Prevention and cure More
10% hexanazol emulsifiable concentrates 10ml、40ml、50ml、100ml Apple powdery mildew, rice sheath blight... More
40% Hexazolitol Suspension 10g、50g Rice sheath blight, wheat powdery mildew, rust... More
25% Tebuconazole emulsifiable concentrate 100ml Apple ring rot and banana leaf spot disease More
25% Azoxystrobin (10g+10g)(20g+20g) Rice false smut, wheat rust, powdery mildew... More
50% ketone wettable powder 40g、60g、80g、100g Brassica sclerotiorum, wheat powdery mildew... More
15% triadimefon wettable powder 40g、70g、100g、200g Wheat powdery mildew, rust, corn head smut More
20% triadimefon emulsifiable concentrates 180ml、280ml、300ml、500ml、1L Powdery mildew More
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