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  Product name Specifications Prevention and cure More
1.8% Avermectin emulsifiable concentrates 100ml、200ml、300ml、500ml、1L Cotton spider, cotton bollworm... More
5% Avermectin emulsifiable concentrates 100ml Cotton spider, cotton bollworm... More
5% imidacloprid emulsifiable concentrate 300ml、500ml Citrus aphid, apple aphid, wheat aphid More
25% imidacloprid wettable powder 10g、15g、50g Rice planthopper and wheat aphid More
70% imidacloprid water dispersible granules 2g、5g、20g、100g Rice planthopper, wheat aphid, fruit tree aphid... More
70% acetamiprid water dispersible granules 20g、100g Cucumber aphids, fruit tree aphids More
4.5% efficient cypermethrin emulsifiable concentrate 300ml Vegetable beetles, beetles, and cabbage beetles More
20% methomyl emulsifiable concentrates 180ml、300ml、1L Cotton bollworm, aphid, wheat aphid More
25% triazole tin wettable powder 80g、200g Panonychus citri More
10% imidacloprid wettable powder 10g、20g、50g、80g、100g、500g Rice planthopper, wheat aphid, vegetable thrips More
5% acetamiprid wettable powder 10g、20g Citrus aphids, wheat aphids More
5% acetamiprid emulsifiable concentrate 300ml Wheat aphids, fruit tree aphids, vegetable aphids More
45% chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate 100g、200g、500g、1kg Rice leaf roller and rice planthopper More
12% high chlorine chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate 40ml、250ml Cotton bollworm and small heartworm More
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