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430g/L Tebuconazole (SC)

Product name 430g/L Tebuconazole (SC)
Specifications 10g、15g、20g、100g、1kg
Product image 葡京3522新地址
Product image 葡京3522新地址
Prevention and cure Rice smut, wheat rust, powdery mildew, peanut brown spot
Mode of Action This product is a triazole fungicide, and its action mainly involves inhibiting the demethylation reaction during the sterol biosynthesis process of pathogenic bacteria, causing cell formation to be blocked and killing the bacteria.
Product Features 1. Self produced raw materials with guaranteed quality;
2. Wide bactericidal spectrum, high activity, and long shelf life;
3. It has functions such as anti lodging and yield increase;
4. Strong internal absorption conductivity and resistance to rainwater erosion.

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